Thursday, April 14, 2011

Children Shine

I’ve embarked on a new adventure.
I’ve been contemplating doing something like this for a very long time, I’ve often frequented blogs of high ranking ministry leaders and thought about what I might offer in that kind of format. I’m far from being of any rank, but I do love looking for ideas and people often ask where I got them or how to do certain things I have done before. So, why not offer these suggestions to my Facebook friends and colleagues.
It was my husband and a long drive that really got me motivated. Then it was how to go about doing it, I already had a blog. Could a person really focus on so many different areas and do them moderately well?
I immediately knew that my followers here haven’t seen this vocal side of me, and most of them wouldn’t be interested in a lot of what I had to say. So the decision to open a new blog was pretty much a no-brainer.
I realize that I’ve been a little bit MIA over here, and I don’t want to abandon this place, my shop is still running, sales are going decently for minimal promotion. I just want to reaffirm that I haven’t lost interest with this blog or my shop.
I’m hoping to get the opportunity to add a bunch of new listings in the next while. The winter is such a horrible time for photo’s and much of my time is spent trying to keep myself and the Monster warm. With the sun shining, I’m looking forward to summer and what it holds.
Thanks for reading/following!

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